Monday, February 8, 2010

Reflections in the Mirror.

Life is hard. There is no getting around this reality. You have to roll with the punches and flow with the curves. Bob and weave to keep from getting knocked on your butt. And sometimes we are just a bit too slow and get hit from something unexpected. But, it’s the curves in life that make it interesting.

If this road were straight and flat it would be easy to pass but boring and unfulfilling. Look at the curves as more than just problems that get in the way of a straight easy life. Attack them with the utmost courage and keep your eye on the apex of where you need to be to complete the bend. But don’t loose sight of the next twist that might come up faster than you are prepared for. Don’t be afraid to slow down once in a while as most things that come about can’t be taken full tilt.

Don’t dwell to long on what’s in the mirror; it’s behind you for a reason. Don’t look back long enough that it distracts you from pressing forward. Keep your pace such that you aren’t getting caught up by your past, and don’t leave it behind to quickly. The bridges you burn might have to be crossed again one day.

Don’t abuse the speed you are able to attain, nor take for granted the quality of life you are able to cruise with. Both can be lost with one simple mistake and it takes a lifetime to get back to being restored. Keep you’re eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. Turns can be unbelievably fun and gratifying to go though not matter how challenging they are to master. Just find the right pace, set yourself up as best you can, and hang on as you break free and exit with a rush of adrenalin.

Be inspired of the mountain you are about to climb, enjoy the views while you’re on top, and hang on for the roller coaster as you descend into the valleys. For those happy times when the road is straigt and flat, put the hammer down and take it to the limit. But most of all, let it go, enjoy the ride, and what is around you and dont forget the little things make all the difference in the world.

And watch out for the idiots who aren’t paying attention to the road.

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